From skin care, skin prep, makeup products, makeup tools and hair styling products. After 10 years of working in all aspects of the beauty industry, I think I finally got my traveling beauty buddies down to a science. I travel a lot for work, my trips are short so...
So many fabulous products seem to surface around this season. In this post we will share with you some of Los Angeles MUA’s top picks for this summer season. Products will be listed in the order applied for any makeup application. The objective with summer...
Often I find myself with respiratory issues of some sorts. I’m super sensitive to hotel rooms, I have to bring vapor rub or eucalyptus oil to help aid with my breathing. Sounds a bit dramatic right. It comes as a result from studying beauty so intensely where...
Happy First Monday of the year, It seems like everyone is working all year long to be in shape for the summer or holiday parties in the winter. What about the other special occasions that come across the rest of the year? Wouldn’t want to look your best all...
Hello to all my beautiful Californian’s transitioning into this Fall/Winter weather and everyone one else around the globe that’s interested in knowing the latest in Los Angeles, Fall Seasoned, Beauty Trends……. Just a handful of the must haves...
As a child I remember my mother making the most out of our pumpkins a day after Halloween. She was notorious for putting egg whites, crushed strawberries, cucumbers and all kinds of fruit puree on her face. Needless to say she used a portion of the pumpkin for a...