Happy First Monday of the year,

It seems like everyone is working all year long  to be in shape for the summer or holiday parties in the winter.

What about the other special occasions that come across the rest of the year?

Wouldn’t want to look your best all year long and learn how to maintain the results. It’s a lot more manageable once you’ve establish a diet and work out routine that works best for your lifestyle.

IMG_8026Here’s a tip for starting a diet program that works with your lifestyle and allows you realistic cheat days.

Previously cut fruit by your local Whole Foods or Mother’s Market.

I’m realistic with myself. I never feel like cutting the fruit whole. Especially pineapples or Melons. Such a huge mess that I don’t feel like cleaning up. Buying them pre-cut works best for me, unless I plan on juicing at home.

I’m not a fan of meal prep. I feel that prepackaged food that has been cooked looses most of its nutritional value the longer it sits in your fridge. I don’t eat it if it has been in the fridge opened for more than 3 days.

Pineapples are great to eat when detoxing. The enzymes help break down foods quicker.

Both grocery stores mentioned have some of the best Juice Bars in town.


If you’re new to juicing the juice baristas can help you create a customized juice blend just for you and your current health needs.

You might also want to check out:


Juicing will soon become an addiction like has been for me. I feel it’s given me more energy, my skin is always glowing and my cravings for processed food has diminished almost entirely.

Except for the occasional cheat days.

yoga-for-detoxDo research on local yoga studios or pole fitness class.

Get out of the standard gym setting and try new ways to get physically fit and distract your mind.


Mind and Body

bikram-yoga-soho-2014Bikram Yoga

Bikram Yoga really takes me out of my element and forces be to be in the moment. Something that is a constant struggle today with cell phone use tends to turn into a cell phone addiction. I have to force myself to not look at my phone when I need to clear my mind or need a good nights rest. Bikram Yoga is a great way to break into creating a “cellphone time out”. Since the room is boiling hot and you’re too focused on holding your postures as you’re slipping because your body is so sweaty. This pretty much forces you to keep your cellphone in the locker room or outside the hot studio.

After completing such an amazing class your mind and body will feel most relaxed and free from any unnecessary stress.

 Phone Soapwww.PhoneSoap.com

I’m sure the thought of the potential bacteria build up on our phones has crossed our minds, at one point or another. I’ll often go to the extend of wiping it down with Lysol disinfecting wipes.

I thought that was good enough till this amazing gadget of a phone soap was gifted to me.

It uses a UV Light Sanitizing method to rid your phone from bacteria. Unclean phones can lead to facial skin acne.

Click on Phone icons to purchase one retails for $59.95

white-open-light@2xConsistency in skin care is a habit you want to be addicted to. At least the basics of cleansing your skin morning and night and a good moisturizer. SPF is also very important. Here are the products and SPF I love using on my skin.

murad balancing creamMurad Balancing Moisturizer with SPF retails $40.00

IMG_1938This whole set you’ll love and want to use daily. Your skin is glowing shortly after.

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