Great post op care will help expedite the healing process and maximize your results. Maintaining the results of plastic surgery involves following post-operative care instructions provided by your surgeon, attending follow-up appointments, avoiding excessive sun exposure, adopting a healthy lifestyle, and using recommended skincare products. Patience is crucial when it comes to healing from your surgery.

Some procedures like liposuction require lymphatic massages to help with any fluids and swelling. Your lymphatic system contains tissues and organs that work to purify your body from toxins and harmful chemicals. Lymphatic massage works to remove fluid buildup with techniques like stretching, cupping, skin compressions, and sweeping movements.

Many parts of your body must be incorporated into the massage to help circulate your lymphatic system. Your primary lymph nodes are located in the neck, armpits, and groin, while most of your lymphatic system drains by your left shoulder. 

Staying at a healthy weight will help you get the most from body procedures like liposuction and tummy tucks. Nutrition places a big role when preparing for surgery of any kind. Boosting your immune system will help make you get ready for you procedure.

La Beauty Guide has created a one month diet plan.

2 weeks of healthy meals to help prep for surgery and 2 weeks of lite foods for when you are healing. There are some foods You may need to avoid while you prep for surgery and recover. Most of the time dietary restrictions in preparation for surgery will be included in your pre and post op instructions. The recipes in our mini cook book can be adjusted to any food restrictions or allergies.

This diet is good for you and delicious.

Healthy meal prep containers: Couscous with grilled chicken breast, salad, avocado, berry, apple, nuts and dry dates. Keto, ketogenic diet, low carb, healthy food concept.

If you’re having any kind facial procedure like a facelift, you may be restricted from any hard foods for about 2 to 6 weeks depending on the procedure and what your surgeon recommends. For all your facial post op need, you can set up a virtual consultation at The Aesthetic Bar

When having any kind of surgical procedure, there is a chance you may have to redo procedures 10 years later, like breast implants replacement, touch up rhinoplasty and other procedures. Naturally gravity takes place and certain areas of the body can begin to sag. For BBL’s you definitely need to stay as fit as possible and make sure you do your squats to keep your buttocks perky and firm.

For more questions on plastic surgery maintenance, please feel free to send me an email at

I hope you enjoyed this post.

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