Gender affirming through facial feminization surgery (FFS) is not only a significant step, it is a major step in transitioning from one gender to another. Facial feminization is a term used to describe a series of surgical procedures performed to soften masculine facial features, creating a more feminine appearance. It is accomplished with plastic surgery to alter facial bone structure as well as the soft tissues to customize and enhance your desired look. One of the best plastic surgeons who perform Facial Feminization is Dr. Harrison Lee.
Here is a photo of Dr. Lee with Caitlyn Jenner after Bruce Jenner’s transition and facial feminization surgery.
Although we know a beautiful body can be stunning and a more feminine face is desired to complete your transition; what is it about a smile that has the ability to command our attention and keep us mesmerized? An alluring body combined with a captivating smile is a potent force that has no need to announce its presence. It was English Naturalist, John Ray who understood this intricacy best when he said, “Beauty is Power; a Smile is a Sword.”
Your smile says more about you than you realize. Does your smile show how you feel, does it truly express the person you want, and are ready to present to the world? Does your smile still fit you in the gender you feel you were meant to be? A smile is the centerpiece of our face, and when transitioning, it can become a masterpiece when it is uniquely designed to fit your face flawlessly. Cosmetic Dentistry by Dr. Laurence Rifkin will reshape your smile to where it is distinctly yours. The goal is to soften masculinized features into a shape more typically recognized as feminine.
A study found that male teeth are consistently larger than female teeth. This has become evident both during and after gender reassignment surgery, and may be noticeable while transitioning from male to female. Often times, considering your smile as part of your transition may be overlooked, resulting in an incomplete overall emergence of femininity. Dr. Rifkin will help you realize your goal of a balanced feminine face with a personalized, memorable, and aesthetically pleasing, gorgeous smile.
Have your list of questions ready and with you at your consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon to discuss facial feminization surgery.
You will be discussing topics such as:
- Your transition process
- Your surgical goals
- Medical conditions, drug allergies and medical treatments
- Current medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, tobacco and drug use
- Previous surgeries
Your surgeon will also:
- Evaluate your general health status and any pre-existing health conditions or risk factors
- Examine your face and take measurements of the size and shape of the facial structures and evaluate the skin quality
- Take photographs
- Take x-rays of the skull
- Discuss your options and recommend a course of treatment
- Discuss likely outcomes of facial feminization surgery and any risks or potential complications.
Facial Feminization Surgery Costs vary by location, Doctor performing the surgery, and their experience, and can range anywhere from $30,000 to $200,000 depending on the exact needs of each patient. Many Plastic Surgeons offer financing plans to help you achieve your face and body goals, and it is always wise to ask about what plans are available to you. Some aspects of Facial Feminization Surgery may be covered by your insurance company; however, that tends to be a small portion of the total fees involved.
Dr. Rifkin takes pride and believes in taking a gentle, compassionate and nonjudgmental approach with his patients and will always respect your privacy and dignity. Integrity is a given as he seamlessly works with the team of health professionals performing your gender reassignment surgeries to integrate his advanced services into your treatment plan.
As your outward appearance begins to reflect your true identity, and you are considering or going through surgery to make your transition complete, remember, your smile and how it fits you will reveal and radiate who you are.